20+ Easy Crafts For 4-Year-Olds
4-year-olds are still young to do crafts independently. They require supervision and help. But there are many simple craft ideas that will require very little help. They will be able to do most parts by themselves.
If you are looking for easy crafts for 4-year-old kids, here are some super good ideas that your little one will absolutely love.
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1- Jackson Pollock Inspired Straw Painting:
You just need a few straws, paper, and liquid watercolors. Your 4-year-old simply has to throw watercolor on the paper through their mouth.
It will create jackson pollock inspired painting. You can also frame it when it turns out to be eye-catching.
A4 or US paper size frames are easily available on Amazon.
2- Easy Butterfly Craft:
Take a plastic bottle and put its bottom in the watercolor. Paste it on paper and make beautiful flowers.
Just show it to your 4 year old once, and he will do it on his own very easily.
3- Fork Painted Hedgehog Craft
by littleladoo
4- Name Art with Pointillism:
This craft is pretty simple for a 4-year-old. Just write a name on a small canvas. Your child can use a cotton bud and paint to mark dots on it.
5- Natural Homemade Gluten-Free PlayDoh:
4-year-olds love playdough. Don’t they? How about your 4-year-old prepares his own playdough that is gluten-free as well?
6- Egg Carton Treasure Chest:
Making this egg carton treasure chest looks difficult but it isn’t. You can buy stickers from Amazon.
just paint the egg with foam paint brushes and paste the stickers on it.
by platein28
7- Homemade Shaker Instrument with Pasta:
Tired of noisy toys that your 4-year-old loves to play with around your ears? Let them make this shaker instrument with pasta so they can shake it and enjoy without burdening your ears.
by platein28
8- Paper Hat: Origami Hat:
Your 4-year-old will love this origami hat. You just need a piece of paper to make it. Your little one can learn to make more.
by mombrite
9- Easy Ladybug Craft with a Jello Cup
Lady bugs are cute. Your 4-year-old will love to make their lady bugs with jello cups. They are easy and fun for young kids.
10- Rainbow Cloud Craft:
Who doesn’t love rainbows? Use a paper plate, some colorful paper and cotton balls to make these amazing rainbow cloud crafts.
11- Ice cream handprint craft:
Ice cream is delicious. your 4-year-old can print his hand to make a beautiful icecream craft. All you need is some construction paper, scissors, and glue.
12- Colorful popsicle stick picture frame:
I love those crafts that can be used for a long time. Your 4-year-old can color the popsicle sticks to make beautiful picture frames for them.
13- Stone-Cold Shark Painted Rocks:
Collect some triangle-shaped stones from the yard and paint them to make scary sharks. This is a great and simple activity for a 4-year-old
14- Leaf monster craft:
Dried leaves crafts are my 4-year-old daughter’s favorite. Collect some dried leaves. Paste google eyes on them, make them stand on a playdough and popsicle stick and your leaf monsters are ready. Children can play with them for hours.
15- pipe cleaner spider craft:
Get some pipe cleaners, play dough and googly eyes to make these cute spiders. Your 4-year-old can easily learn to make his own.
16- Cardboard Snowman:
Do you have some cardboard rolls at home? Use yarn and marker to turn them into friendly snowmen.
17- bird feeder craft:
How about a craft that will also teach your little one empathy? This craft is so simple for 4-year-olds. but they will need your help to tie the knots and hang them.
18- Bookmark made with a popsicle stick:
Funky bookmarks will make your little one more interested in learning. Your 4-year-old can paint the popsicle stick while you cut and color the shapes. Stick them together to make beautiful bookmarks.
19- Clothespin Dragonfly:
Get a few cloth spins and popsicle sticks, color them, and stick them together. Paste google eyes on them.
20- Bubble painting and drip art tutorial:
A 4-year-old can easily do this craft. Give them some papers and paint.
by dfwcrafts
21- Crayon Resist Water Color Paper Plate Rainbow Craft:
A 4-year-old can cut simple shapes with scissors. Ask your child to cut the paper plates in the middle and color them to make a rainbow.
Check the best safety scissors for 4-year-olds.
22- Yarn Wrapped Popsicle Stick Mermaid Craft.
A 4-year-old needs help to make this craft at first. After that, provide them with cut shapes and they can do it on their own.
23- Bumble Bee Garden Rocks:
Give your 4-year-old some garden rocks and let them paint to make their own bumble bees.