Illegal Cheese: 17 Cheeses Banned in the USA

In the US, some of the world’s most tantalizing cheeses find themselves on the no-fly list, thanks to the FDA’s stringent safety rules around raw milk and aging. From pungent French blues to creamy Italian classics, these cheeses are caught in a culinary conundrum. Ever wondered what delicious secrets are being kept from your cheese board?

1. Casu Marzu

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Originating from Sardinia, Casu Marzu is infamous for containing live insect larvae. The FDA bans it due to health risks associated with consuming live parasites.

2. Brie de Meaux

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This French cheese is made from raw milk and aged for less than 60 days, the minimum required by the FDA to kill harmful bacteria in unpasteurized cheeses, making its sale illegal in the US.

3. Roquefort

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Another beloved French cheese, Roquefort is banned because it is made with raw sheep’s milk that hasn’t been aged the mandatory 60 days to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

4. Camembert de Normandie

Image Credit: Pexels / Laker

Like Brie de Meaux, true Camembert from Normandie is made from raw milk and aged less than 60 days, making it non-compliant with FDA regulations.

5. Reblochon

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This cheese, famous in the French Alps, is banned due to its production from raw milk and a maturation period shorter than 60 days.

6. Sainte-Maure

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Sainte-Maure is a French cheese that does not meet the FDA’s requirement of a 60-day aging process for raw milk cheeses.

7. Epoisses

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Banned for being made with raw milk aged for less than 60 days, Epoisses is a pungent French cheese known for its creamy texture and strong aroma.

8. Vacherin Mont d’Or

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This cheese is typically made from raw milk and has a maturation period shorter than the FDA’s required 60 days.

9. Toma Piemontese

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From Italy, this cheese sometimes uses raw milk and is aged for less than 60 days, making certain versions of it illegal in the US.

10. Mimolette

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Older than 12 months, Mimolette is banned not for the cheese itself but because the FDA has concerns over the cheese mites used in its aging process.

11. Morbier

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Morbier made with raw milk and aged for less than 60 days is not allowed in the US due to the same concerns over bacteria.

12. Savello di Roma

Image Credit: Pexels / Tamás Lichter

This Italian cheese is banned for its use of raw milk and insufficient aging period under FDA regulations.

13. Pecorino Sardo

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alessio Orru

Traditional Pecorino Sardo is made from raw sheep’s milk and often doesn’t meet the FDA’s aging requirements.

14. Gorgonzola

Image Credit: Shutterstock / NataliaZa

Some traditional forms of Gorgonzola are made with raw milk and aged for less than the required 60 days, thus falling foul of FDA rules.

15. Crottin de Chavignol

Image Credit: Shutterstock / barmalini

This French goat cheese is sometimes made from raw milk and aged for less than the required period, making it illegal.

16. Banon

Image Credit: Shutterstock / barmalini

This French cheese is typically wrapped in chestnut leaves and made from raw milk that has not been aged sufficiently to meet FDA standards.

17. Fourme d’Ambert

Image Credit: Pexels / Towfiqu barbhuiya

This lesser-known French blue cheese can be made from raw milk and if not aged properly, is banned in the US.

The Cheesy Truth

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fattyplace

For cheese enthusiasts looking to enjoy these forbidden delights, traveling outside the US might be necessary—or finding a version that complies with FDA standards.

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The post Illegal Cheese: 17 Cheeses Banned in the USA first appeared on Peachy Fours.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / fornStudio.

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